How I went from idea to thriving sticker shop in less than 60 days.

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Did I really need another business? No.

Did I do it anyway? You bet.

And I absolutely love it...and you can do it, too.

In this course, I walk you through the exact steps I took to launch a sticker shop on Etsy that's already earned me more than $1,000 in just it's second month.

Sure, $1,00 isn't "rolling in the dough" money, but for many of us, that's a nice bit of side hustle cash (or even a rent payment). And it's especially fun when you're earning it doing something creative and fun.

What I'm going to cover:

Here's the deal, everything I've done is 100% replicable. If you have ideas for stickers and think this might be a fun venture, then this is for you.